Students will take courses on data 分析, data management, data visualization, 经济学,人类行为和政策评估. 这个项目的学生将会 required to take a slate of core courses centered around various aspects of data 分析 including regression 分析, behavioral 分析, ethics, data management and visualization, 云顶集团经济理论. 一旦学生完成了大部分核心课程 courses, they will be able to shift their focus to specific 政策 areas that may 让他们感兴趣. 学生可以关注的政策领域将是教育政策, 卫生政策、环境政策和社会/公共政策. 这些目标以政策为中心 courses is to allow students to contemplate and devise potential data-oriented solutions that affect a variety of populations as it relates to the specific content area.
该计划的目的是以数据云顶集团为中心. 核心的配对 courses with the applied nature of the elective courses in specific content areas allows for those who enter the program to apply the data 分析 tools learned to 广泛的政策领域. 此外,选修课侧重于具体 societal issues that require a nuanced use of the data 分析 toolkit that students 会从其他课程中学习吗. 总的来说,该计划提供了一个跨学科的 blend of data 分析, economics, and 政策 courses that will give students a diverse 一套可以云顶集团于许多行业的技能.
The Master of Arts 云顶集团政策分析 requires 36 credits, with 27 of them coming from the following courses that all students must complete:
Students must take 9 credits from the following list of graduate courses:
这门课 introduces students to the essential tools needed for 政策 分析—statistics, hypothesis testing, probability, data management, data visualization, and regression 分析.
这门课 is a continuation of Introduction to Data Analysis, in which students 探索因果推理. 本课程探讨更高级的分析方法 order to understand how to infer true causal relationships using both experimental 准实验方法. 此外,学生学习如何区分 在相关性和因果关系之间. (前提条件:数据分析入门)
本课程将 explore ethical issues centered around the use of data. 有 an abundance of data in the world and how that data is used is important when answering 复杂的现实问题. 本课程将讨论研究人员的责任 whose goal is to disseminate information gleaned from proper data 分析 to a wide 观众.
这门课 focuses on methods of 分析 for data that is tracked over various periods
时间-时间序列. The application of such methods are useful for identifying underlying
trends that inform movements of variables, including past and future behavior.
本课程将 introduce students to data gathering and visualization processes.
现实世界的数据可能很混乱. 所有的数据都有一个故事,故事的讲述方式取决于
关于如何收集、测试和呈现数据. 能够妥善处理
data in various formats and being able to decipher good data from bad data is critically
这对任何政策分析师都很重要. 学生将学习如何从各种数据中收集数据
sources to answer real-world 政策 questions and present their findings in written
这门课 explores the application of microeconomic theory to real-world 政策 还有社会问题. 这 includes topics such as resource allocation, incentives, opportunity cost, market failure, government intervention, uncertainty, consumer and firm behavior, 约束优化.
Policies are enacted in many ways in order to influence the choices people make. 这
course will explore human behavior and incentives as it relates to 政策-related
issues, including discussions about education 政策, health care 政策, and environmental
政策和其他主题. 本课程将从经济学,心理学,
本课程将 give students the chance to apply their 政策 knowledge to real
世界的例子. Students will evaluate 政策 across various 政策 areas using the
他们在以前的课程中开发的工具包. 学生将得到关于以下方面的提示
current 政策 questions and will be required to critically analyze their efficacy
in both written 以及展示形式 to a wide 观众 consisting of those from
(Prerequisites: Introduction to Data Analysis, : Advanced Data Analysis)
本课程将 require students to conduct original research focused on current
政策问题. Students will choose a 政策 area and come up with a strategy for
analyzing a particular question within that 政策 realm and present the results in
书面和口头形式. 本课程旨在让学生展示所有的
(Prerequisites: Introduction to Data Analysis, : Advanced Data Analysis, : Applied
本课程将 explore and discuss current issues surrounding education-related
政策. Students will delve into various topic areas as chosen by the instructor.
Topics may include educational inequality and opportunity, school readiness, education
and the law, instruction 政策, higher education 政策, and school finance. 这
course will involve discussion, data collection and 分析, and written and oral
(Prerequisites: Introduction to Data Analysis, : Advanced Data Analysis)
本课程将涵盖与健康政策相关的各种主题. 讨论的主题
会被老师选择吗. 这门课程将围绕当前的问题展开
surrounding health 政策 such as health care equity, access to health care, insurance,
retirement and aging, population dynamics, and access to medical data. 这门课
will involve discussion, data collection and 分析, and written and oral presentation
(Prerequisites: Introduction to Data Analysis, : Advanced Data Analysis)
本课程将 explore issues surrounding environmental-related 政策. 的话题
讨论将由讲师选择. 话题可能包括环境保护,
natural resource use, energy 政策, transportation 政策, and national and international
气候政策. 本课程将 involve discussion, data collection and 分析,
(Prerequisites: Introduction to Data Analysis, : Advanced Data Analysis)
本课程将 explore topics centered around social and public 政策. 的话题
讨论将由讲师选择. 话题可能包括最低工资政策,
housing 政策, social welfare 政策, and criminal justice 政策. 本课程将
involve discussion, data collection and 分析, and written and oral presentation
(Prerequisites: Introduction to Data Analysis, : Advanced Data Analysis)